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Find Your Next Adventure

About Us

Always Outdoors is a Social Media Platform for outdoor enthusiasts. Currently, there is no uniform way for individuals who participate in such activities to connect with one another. This service solves that problem. People who enjoy outdoor activities now have a way to meet others who are involved in their same hobbies and active lifestyles.


There has yet to be a flush of more explicitly targeted social media channels. Groups, forums, and comment sections are all great places for those with common interests to interact. Though relatively rarely are these avenues where people genuinely connect with one another, infrequently fostering real life relationships. Esayian believes that his idea can fill that void for the outdoors community.


The Idea

The idea originated quite early on in Jake's life back in a high school classroom. At the time he ran a group of student off-roaders who took trips all over the desert and mountain Southwest. The group started small, but quickly grew from the original five it began with. He figured there had to be a better way to connect individuals with groups like his, yet he could find no easy solution.


It began with social media accounts on TikTok and Instagram, he would post little snippets of each adventure he and his group took. Though it attracted a few, the effort was not fruitful. After a few months of failed attempts and little forward progress, he figured that it may be worthwhile to explore making a service specific to this purpose.

Progress and Future

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Esayian has expanded his clique into a community of individuals with it continuing to expand. The first thing he completed was the brand. Jake determined that without something immediately catchy and comfortable, one would stray away. The focus on directing social media presence was especially emphasized. Next the student moved to content creation. Without a store of media to pull from, it would be extremely difficult to promote and recruit.


There are a few new aspects which are in progress for the future, one of these being a university affiliated club. Jake figured that there is no better way to test the demand than to do it the old fashioned way by creating a social club revolving around connecting his target market. The other facet is the initial prototype for the app. Esayian is in the process of creating an in depth User Interface to guide developers on how users should flow through the app.

About the Founder


Jake Esayian has a variety of skills that make him a valuable asset to any team. He is a highly motivated and driven individual with a passion for entrepreneurship. He is also very skilled at working independently and as part of a team. Jake has a proven track record of success in a variety of roles, from his time as the Head Assembly Technician at LIGHT Helmets to his current work on Always Outdoors. He is also an excellent communicator and has a knack for building relationships with people from all walks of life.

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Who is Jake?

Jake Esayian is a 20 year old from Southern California currently living in Salt Lake City. He is an outdoorsman at heart, actively participating in a variety of outdoor activities. Esayian enjoys exploring the desolate wilderness of the Utah mountains and high deserts.


Jake is a junior at the University of Utah and currently studying Entrepreneurship with a minor in Real Estate. He is also in the midst of acquiring his WFR (Wilderness First Responder) certification.

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